At the UPM, the Vice-Rector for International Relations organizes a series of courses. These courses are available to all Master students during the enrollment process as part of the
Program of Languages for Internationalization-PROLINTER. The department offers a wide range of flexible Language Courses adapted to the scientific language at university. This program underlines the international spirit at UPM and its active support for international academic exchange within and outside the European Union. The program tailored towards students, but depending on the courses, staff may also participate (teaching, non-teaching or research).
Spanish Language Support
These courses are for UPM students whose native language is not Spanish. The majority participating in this program are European students of the Erasmus program, but the courses are open to all non-native students, also non-European. Courses of different levels and formats are offered throughout the academic year.
Foreign Languages Support
This program is aimed at UPM student who wish to study abroad within the Erasmus exchange programs or a similar program.
The Language Program offers a wide range of languages, depending on the academic year and the request made by coordinators and promoters of the academic exchange agreements.