The Doctoral Programme is supported by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) and by a system specific to the programme. The criteria used are in line with the criteria and procedures necessary to carry out the accreditation of doctoral programmes proposed by the Madri+d Foundation.
Programme Quality Assurance System
The Quality Policy of this Doctoral Programme, being an official degree given at the ETSI Agronomy, Food and Biosystems of the UPM, is registered and depends on the guidelines of the Centre in terms of Quality and therefore, on its Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC). This system is based on the European guidelines, the Institutional Quality Programme (UPM), the evaluation processes, the improvement plan, as well as on the contributions of all stakeholders involved in the training programme of the Doctoral Programme.
The specific system of the Doctoral Programme in Rural Development Project Planning and Sustainable Management is made up of a series of criteria and procedures whose final objective is to guarantee the quality of the training and services received by students and to promote continuous actions of revision and improvement of the programme. The mechanisms and procedures of this system are defined below, which make it possible to monitor and evaluate the development and results of the programme throughout each academic year and to determine the appropriate actions for improvement. It is a monitoring and assessment system made up of two fundamental elements: an information system and a self-assessment system.
The information system makes it possible to generate, collect and file all the information necessary for the correct monitoring and evaluation of the programme. This information system is based on five elements: a database where the basic data of the Master's and Doctorate are collected for each year; a survey of graduates; a continuous individual evaluation carried out by the students to assess the classes received; the Thesis reports and the participative workshops with students and lecturers.
The Technical Secretariat of the Master's and Doctoral Programmes compiles every year in a database the basic information of the programme regarding:
The alumni survey allows information to be gathered about the future of the students who complete the Master's and Doctoral programmes. The survey opens up the possibility of suggesting improvements to the programme, and they are asked for information about their current employment situation, the tasks they carry out in their job and their degree of satisfaction with it.
At the end of each classroom-based subject, students complete a survey that allows them to assess (from 0 to 5) their prior knowledge of the subject taught, and to evaluate the classes received in terms of content, teaching methodology and procedures used, documentation, and presentation by the lecturer. They are also asked to evaluate the coordination work in each subject and a section is included for them to enter any observations they wish to make. This information is collected and entered in a spreadsheet that allows the average of the evaluations given by the students for each class to be taken and summaries to be made for each of the subjects and modules of the programme. This provides information on the students' opinion of each of the Master's sessions given by the different lecturers on the programme and guest lecturers, as well as the PhD research period. The immediacy of this type of survey allows students to have very recent feedback on the classes given and provides very interesting information with a view to proposing improvements for the following academic year.
Two participative workshops are held at the end of the course. The first one with the students who have taken the subjects of the programme; the second one with all the lecturers and academic managers of the programme, including the Academic Committee of the programme and its Technical Secretariat. The workshops last about two hours each and are organised using participatory techniques that allow the following aspects to be discussed in an agile and dynamic way:
The information collected through the information system is mainly aimed at obtaining information on the performance of a set of key aspects and allowing reflection on them. These key aspects of evaluation are:
The monitoring and evaluation of this key aspect draws on the information from the information system described above. It includes the evaluation of the adequacy of the programme's objectives and the teaching given, in terms of subject content, teaching methodology and procedures used, documentation, and presentation by the lecturers. It also includes the evaluation of the results of the student assessment system and compliance with timetables and calendars.
The information system designed provides information on the participation of students in mobility programmes during their training period. The information collected makes it possible to know for each year the number of students who have participated in a mobility programme. It also allows to know the funding bodies, the duration of the stays and the centres where the stays have taken place.
Other information of great interest is the students' evaluation of their stays. This is very valuable information for teachers and tutors of the programme in order to take it into account when guiding students in future courses.
This aspect includes all forms of scientific or academic production, understood as the generation of knowledge resulting from the activities carried out under the programme, and its availability to third parties. The information system designed makes it possible to know the publications made, the contributions to scientific-professional meetings, and the scientific-technical documents registered in the industrial or intellectual property.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, Spain
dummy+34 910 670 980
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